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Template:Wikidata Infobox

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Template:Wikidata Infobox 
Wikimedia template
Frideborg Winblad (1869-1964) infobox.png
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Instance ofWikimedia multi-site page,
Wikimedia template
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Different from
  • Template:Universal infobox
  • Template:Databox
  • Template:Infobox Wikidata
  • Template:Infobox Wikidata
Authority control
Edit infobox data on Wikidata
Protected This template has been protected from editing to prevent vandalism.
Please discuss changes on the talk page or request unprotection.
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This documentation is transcluded from Template:Wikidata Infobox/doc.
WikidataCon Award 2019
(dty); Amazunka (szl); Amasónfljót (is); Sungai Amazon (ms); Амазонкae (os); Amazon (en-gb); (ps); Aghyui Amazon (kcg); (pnb); (ur); Amazonka (sk); Амазонка (uk); Amazonka (tk); 亚马逊河 (zh-cn); Amazonas (gsw); Amazon daryosi (uz); Амазон зен (kk); Амазон (mk); Amazon (bs); (bho); Амазонкэ (ady); Amazone (fr); Amazona (hr); (mr); (or); Amazuone (sgs); (awa); Amazonas (lb); Amazonas (nb); Walungan Amazon (su); Amazon Naddi (hif); Amazon "ozeni (crh); 亞馬遜河 (lzh); (ar); Amazon (br); (my); 亞馬遜河 (yue); Амазонка (ky); Ríu Amazones (ast); Amazonas (nds); Амазонка (ba); Afon Amazonas (cy); Riu di Amazzun (lmo); An Amasóin (ga); (fa); 亚马孙河 (zh); Amazonfloden (da); (ka); アマゾン川 (ja); Amazon (ia); Amazon (ha); (arz); Flumen Amazonum (la); (sa); (hi); 亚马逊河 (wuu); (pa); Amahona (mi); Ri dj'Amàsson (pms); (ary); Амазонка (be-tarask); Ciumi di l'Amazzoni (scn); (th); Amazona (sh); Амазонка (rue); Amazonas (stq); Rio de e Amàxoni (vec); (bo); Atōyātl Amazonas (nah); (new); Rio Amazona (lfn); Amaz^one (fy); Río Amazonas (an); Salog Amazon (bcl); (hy); Amazon (ro); Amazon (fi); Avon Amazon (kw); Амазонка (bg); Amazoni (sq); Rio de le Amazzone (roa-tara); Amazonas (vep); Amazon cayi (az); Amaz^ona (mg); Amazonfloden (sv); Amazonka (pl); Sungai Amazon (id); Амазон (sr); Дарёи Амазон (tg); amazonas. zei rirxe (jbo); (lo); (ko); Amasoná (fo); Amazono (eo); Амазонка (ab); Riu Amazonas (pap); Yn Amason (gv); Амазонка (krc); Amazon `O (cdo); Kali Amazon (jv); Амазонка (cv); Amazone (li); Lanmanzonn (flòv) (gcr); 亞馬孫河 (gan); (yi); Amazon River (ceb); Amaconas (hsb); S^ong Amazon (vi); (bn); Amazone (lv); Amesonerivier (af); Amazonka (cs); Амазонка (inh); Amazonii P (kbp); Rio Amazonas (pt-br); Amazon (sco); Амазон мрн (mn); Amazonaselva (nn); Амазонэ (kbd); Амазонка (mrj); Sungai Amazon (min); Amazonas (vro); Амазонка (av); (ckb); Amazon (en); Amazon (io); Paranaguasu (gn); Umlambo iAmazon (xh); Riu Amazonas (oc); Amazan Riva (jam); Amazonas (hu); (am); Amazonas (de); Amazonas (eu); (xmf); Амазон мрэн (bxr); Roê Amazoni (diq); Amarumayu (qu); (mai); Амазонка (ce); Рака Амазонка (be); Amazon Nehri (tr); Amazone (revier) (nds-nl); Amazon (ku); (ne); (mzn); Amazonas (rm); Dah Yamajsenhoz (za); Amasunu jawira (ay); Karayan Amasona (ilo); (he); Амазонка (tt); Amazonas (de-ch); Amazon da'ryasi (kaa); (sat); Riu Amazonas (mwl); Amazonas (struum) (frr); (mni); (te); Amāzanēa (ang); Rio delle Amazzoni (it); Амазонко (mhr); Amazon "ozeni (crh-latn); Amazonas H^o (nan); Amazonas (et); Amazonas (bar); Амазонка (lez); Амазонка (ru); Amazoni (ln); Odò Amasónì (yo); (as); rio Amazonas (pt); Amazonas (vo); Amazonas (es); (azb); Amazone (lt); Amazonka (sl); Ilog Amasona (tl); (kn); Mtsinje wa Amazon (ny); Salog Amasona (war); Amazonas (sw); (ml); Amazone (nl); riu Amazones (ca); Амазон рс (sah); Amazon River (en-ca); (ta); Amazonas (gl); (got); Αμαζνιο (el); Rio dles Amazones (lld) río de América del Sur (es); fljót í Sudur Ameríku (is); река в Южной Америке (ru); Strom im n"ordlichen Südamerika und wasserreichster Fluss der Erde (de); (fa); 南美洲最长的河流 (zh); fluviu din America de Sud (ro); ブラジルとその周辺国を流れ大西洋に注ぐ、世界最大規模の河川 (ja); fluvio in America del Sud (ia); flod i Sydamerika (sv); рчка (uk); (sa); 南美洲最长的河流 (zh-cn); (te); joki Etel"a-Amerikassa (fi); rivero en Peruo (eo); reka v Jizní Americe (cs); (ta); fiume dell'America meridionale (it); fleuve d'Amérique du sud (fr); J~ogi Peruus (et); river in Peru (en-ca); rio na América do Sul (pt); riu d'Amèrica del Sud (ca); longest river in South America (en); rieka v Juznej Amerike (sk); Con s^ong dài th hai th gii (vi); рака Паднёвай Амэрыцы (be-tarask); Upe Dienvidamerikā, otra garākā upe pasaulē (lv); karayan idiay Abagatan nga Amerika ken maikadua a kaatiddogan a karayan iti lubong (ilo); надужа река у ужно Америци (sr); (or); pinakamahabang ilog sa Timog Amerika (tl); o mais longo rio na América do Sul (pt-br); langest river in Sooth Americae (sco); sungai di Brasil (id); elv i Sor-Amerika (nn); elv i Sor-Amerika (nb); rivier in Zuid-Amerika (nl); (ml); Rzeka w Ameryce Poludniowej (pl); (kn); (hi); río en América do Sur (gl); (ar); ποταμ στη ντια Αμερικ (el); (he) Rio Amazonas, río Amazonas (es); Mar Doce (pt-br); Fluvio Amazon (ia); Amazonas (pt); Amazone (rivier) (nl); Amazon River, River Amazon, Amazonian River, The Amazon, The Amazon River (en); 亚马孙河 (zh-cn); (te); (or); río Amazonas (gl); (), , , , , (ar); 亚马逊河 (zh); Река Амазон (sr)
longest river in South America
Amazon River mouth on the Atlantic.jpg
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Wikivoyage-logo.svg  Wikivoyage
Instance ofriver
Named after
Location Peru, Colombia, Brazil
  • 6,400 km
Origin of the watercourse
  • Quebrada Apacheta (5,170 metre, 15°31′6″S 71°45′53″W, Amazonas placa 2011 Apacheta.jpg)
  • Source of the Amazon River
Mouth of the watercourse
Drainage basin
Basin country
Different from
  • Amazonka
4° 26′ 25.08″ S, 73° 26′ 49.92″ W
Authority control
Edit infobox data on Wikidata

Includes a Wikidata-enabled infobox on category pages. See Commons:Wikidata infobox help for the FAQ.

The template automatically sets the following categories:

  • Interwikis from Wikidata
  • For people: given name(s) and surname(s), alive/deceased person/man/woman, years of birth and death, awards


{{Wikidata Infobox |qid= |defaultsort= |autocat= }}

English: In most cases it can be used simply as {{Wikidata Infobox}}. The category page needs to be linked to through a sitelink on Wikidata (under 'other sites', add the correct sitelink to 'commons'). The Wikidata entry can either be directly about the category's topic, or include the category's main topic (P301).

Common issues

If you see a Wikidata QID (a number, prefixed with "Q") instead of the correct title, then that means that the topic does not have a label in English – to fix this, add an English label on Wikidata. If you see content that's not in your own language, then that probably means that a label isn't available in your language – to fix this, add the appropriate label in your language on Wikidata.

If you spot a problem with the information displayed in the infobox, please first try to fix it on Wikidata. For further info see Commons:Wikidata infobox help, which also has extensive information about the many types of images desired on Wikidata. If that fails, ask on the template talk page.

If the infobox is empty, or it doesn't contain all of the information you think it should, then please expand the Wikidata entry. The infobox should grow accordingly, though the page on Wikimedia Commons might need purging to show very recent updates from Wikidata.


If you do not want to see the infobox, then add #wdinfobox { display: none;} to Special:MyPage/common.css and it will not be displayed.

To display the infobox in a horizontal format, add the following to Special:MyPage/common.css. Note that this will only work in some browsers (Chrome and Safari should work, but Firefox won't):

#wdinfobox { width:100%!important; clear:both!important; display: block; -webkit-column-count: 4; -ms-column-count: 4; -moz-column-count: 4; column-count: 4; }

You can also use Javascript to change the settings by adding the following to Special:MyPage/common.js:

  • To auto-hide the whole infobox: $( "#wdinfobox" ).addClass( "mw-collapsed" );
  • To auto-hide the authority control: $( "#wdinfo_ac" ).addClass( "mw-collapsed" );
  • To auto-hide the taxon tree: $( "#wdinfo_taxon" ).addClass( "mw-collapsed" );
  • To never display the infobox: $( "#wdinfobox" ).addClass( "wdinfobox_hide" );
  • To display the infobox horizontally: $( "#wdinfobox" ).addClass( "wdinfobox_horizontal" );


Uses of this template are categorised into Category:Uses of Wikidata Infobox or Category:Uses of Wikidata Infobox with no item depending on whether the template can find a QID.

Template developers: please ensure that if you are nesting {{Wikidata Infobox}} inside another template that you are wrapping it accordingly, that is <includeonly>{{Wikidata Infobox}}</includeonly>, so that it doesn't categorise the template.

For past discussions about this template, see:

For further help, see Commons:Wikidata infobox help

Template parameters

qidQIDQ ID (number) of the topic; overrides lookup in the database for this ID.Value of category's main topic (P301) if available, otherwise the ID of the connected Wikidata itemoptional
defaultsortDisable DEFAULTSORTSet to “no” to disable auto-adding a {{DEFAULTSORT}}yoptional
autocatautomatic categorisationSet to “no” to disable automatic categorisation under categories such as Category:Living peopleyesoptional
suppressfieldsComma-separated denylist of property IDs passed to WikidataIB, e.g. "P1923,P527"emptyoptional
Template data
<templatedata>JSON</templatedata> ./. {{TemplateBox}}

TemplateData is a way to store information about template parameters (the description of those and of the whole template) for both humans and machines. It is used by VisualEditor and possibly other tools like Upload Wizard.

Existing template documentation
At Wikimedia Commons, it is recommended to use {{TemplateBox}} with either ‎useTemplateData=1 or ‎useTemplateData=only on the ‎/doc subpage and transcluding it with {{Documentation}} into the template. ‎<nowiki>-tags can be wrapped around the arguments, if required, to avoid templates being expanded.

Newly created template documentation and imports
Another option, especially for imported templates, or for users with JSON experience, is placing raw ‎<templatedata>-tags into the Wikitext of the template, as described in various Wikipediae.

There is an ongoing discussion about that matter. Feel invited to comment if you are experienced in either way, your time permits and if you like to share your opinion or to make a suggestion.

Wikipedia's help about TemplateData o Commons-specific information

Includes a Wikidata-enabled infobox on category pages. See for the FAQ.

Template parameters

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

automatic categorisationautocat

Set to “no” to disable automatic categorisation under categories such as “Living people”

Disable DEFAULTSORTdefaultsort

Set to “no” to disable auto-adding the default category sort key (i.e. {{DEFAULTSORT}}).


Q ID (number) of the topic; overrides lookup in the database for this ID.

Value of "category's main topic" (P301) if available, otherwise the ID of the connected Wikidata item
suppressfieldsspf suppressfields

Comma-separated denylist of property IDs passed to WikidataIB, e.g. "P1923,P527"


Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the Category namespace

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: no user group specified

Placement: At the top of the page

Relies on:
Module:WikidataIB; Module:Wikidata4Bio; Module:Interwiki; Module:Taxontree; Module:Coordinates; {{Unbulleted list}}; {{SuperFallback}}; {{Dir}}


cestina o Deutsch o English o espa~nol o укранська o Napulitano o Esperanto o Türkce o  o 日本語 o slovenscina o polski o  o shqip o македонски o русский o 中文 o  o suomi o Nederlands o vèneto o  o svenska o  o Bahasa Indonesia o francais o magyar o  o italiano o  o português o  o беларуская (тарашкевца) o +/-

This template makes use of {{Autotranslate}} and the translate extension.

Wikidata properties

Core and sandboxes

The principal template is now a wrapper for the core code. This facilitates internationalisation by making parameter names easier to adapt.

Both templates have sandbox versions: